The Odyssey

This was posted to the original Asnuma blog on January 11th, 2015.

The author herein embarks on her third or fourth attempt at maintaining a blog. 

Maybe it's her fifth attempt.

In the noblest of traditions - New Year's resolutions - I have set myself to the task of developing this blog, Asnuma, and maintaining it for longer than three hours. For years, I have cultivated a dozen or so weird and excellent names for either a). blog posts that never get written or b). a marathon avant-garde movie. It remains to be seen if this fresh attempt will be the winner, but I will state here and now and at least somewhat boldly what I wish to write about: I wish to write about human rights more than anything, as well as science, cinema, art, and the mundane goings on in my life that have to do with mathematics and my ongoing attempts to reconfigure it from a series of impregnable symbols and shapes to a music that I might actually be able to hum for myself one day.

If none of these plans should come to fruition, I'll simply end this new incarnation of Asnuma with a Kantian quote that bears no relevance to the above paragraph except that I have been chewing on it for as long as I have been chewing on irreverent blog post titles: "Two things fill the heart with renewed and increasing awe and reverence the more often and the more steadily that they are meditated on: the starry skies above me and the moral law inside me."


