The Book of Disquiet: A Review
A review of the finest book from the Portuguese.
Comp Comp
The quest to build a research statement continues.
Little Miss Intellectually Promiscuous
Welcome to the world of research statements, where you have a list of buzzwords a mile long and the stamina of a sloth stuffed with soggy economics textbooks from 1986.
What My Rough Draft Has Taught Me
A few thoughts on the work that has defined my youth.
In Which Fernando Pessoa Punctures My Heart
In which I reach the halfway mark of the greatest book I have ever read.
It’s Prime Time
The Numeracy Diaries, Volume III
On Cognitive Anthropology
An anthropologist contemplates the field.
So Long, Division
The Numeracy Diaries, Volume II
The Elk and I Plan a Year of Reading
A look at 2022 in books.